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This page is an attempt to list all properties owned by Marvel Comics that appeared in the pages of The Transformers.

Machine Man can only live safely among the humans once they realise he's 'armless.
Machine Man can only live safely among the humans once they realise he's 'armless.
"I feel naked without my left arm!"

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Marvel properties

From The Transformers

Property Appearances Notes
Dazzler  "Power Play!"  (mentioned only) Radio host: "...and that was a lady who calls herself the Dazzler!"
Dum Dum 
"Prisoner of War!" 
The Daily Bugle "Prisoner of War!" 
"DIS-Integrated Circuits!" 
"The Icarus Theory" 
Robbie Robertson "Prisoner of War!"  Robbie's Transformers appearance names him "Joe Robertson".
Spider-Man "Prisoner of War!" 
"The Enemy Within!"  (mentioned)
"The Wrath of Guardian!"  (poster)
"Decepticon Graffiti!"  (on T-shirt)
The Fantastic Four and Reed Richards "Prisoner of War!"  (mentioned) Spider-Man: "Even the Fantastic Four's brilliant leader, Reed Richards, would feel like a kid at his first science fair in here!"
The Savage Land  "The Last Stand" 
"Repeat Performance!" 
"Destiny of the Dinobots!" 
Ka-Zar  "The Last Stand"  (mentioned) Narration footnote: "Long-time Marvel readers will recognize this place as The Savage Land, prehistoric domain of the present-day Ka-Zar!"
Circuit Breaker  "The New Order"  (as Josie Beller)
"DIS-Integrated Circuits!"  (as Circuit Breaker)
et al.
Circuit Breaker  appeared first in Secret Wars II issue 3  in order for the rights to the character to stay with Marvel rather than be swept up by Hasbro.
Roxxon Oil "The Icarus Theory" 
Captain America, Hulk, and Marvel Comics itself "I, Robot-Master!"  Walter Barnett  meets Donny Finkleberg  in the reception area of Marvel Comics, which has walls decorated with images of Captain America and the Hulk.

From The Chromobots

The ownership of The Chromobots is undetermined. Characters and concepts that definitively belong to Marvel are as follows, but there is the possibility that all characters from The Chromobots are also Marvel's property.

Property Appearances Notes
Machine Man Issue 12, issue 16, issue 20 (on poster)
Marvel Comics Issue 12, issue 16, issue 20 (on flag)
Issue 13 (on comic)
Issue 24, issue 25 (mentioned)
A flag on Dudley's wall reads "Make Mine Marvel!"
Spider-Man Issue 12 (on comic)
Issue 13, issue 20 (on poster)
Issue 14 (on comic)
Issue 16 (on comic)
Issue 20 (on comic)
Issue 21 (on comic)
Issue 14 features an issue of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man but the title is obscured such that only "PET" and "SP" are visible.
Captain America Issue 13 (on comic)
Issue 21 (on comic)
The cover of the Captain America comic in issue 13 also shows that it is published by Marvel. The cover in issue 14 also features an unidentified assailant.
X-Men and Wolverine Issue 20 (on comic)
Issue 21 (alluded to)
An unnamed Wolverine appears on the cover of an X-Men comic.
Probably Mister Fantastic Issue 21 (on comic) A stretchy-armed superhero appears on a comic cover, which is presumably meant to be Mister Fantastic.

From Matt and the Cat

Property Appearances Notes
Cyclops Issue 6 (on comic)
Marvel Comics Issue 13 (in narration)
Issue 16 (on signpost)
Issue 17 (pictured, mentioned)
Issue 21 (mentioned)
Issue 25 (mentioned)
Issue 26 (mentioned)

From Machine Man

See also: Category:Machine Man characters

Multiple appearances

Property Volume 1 Volume 2
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
X-51/Aaron Stack/Machine Man Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Oliver Broadhurst Y Y Y
Abel Stack Y M M M M Y
X-35 Y M
Peter Spaulding Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Delmar Insurance Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Byron J. Benjamin Y Y Y M Y
Maggie Jones Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Eddie Harris Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Brock Jones M Y
Joseph Rambo/Binary Bug Y Y
Miles Brickman Y Y Y Y
Khan Y Y
The Daily Bugle Y Y
Gears Garvin Y Y Y Y Y Y
Pamela Quinn Y Y Y Y Y
Ben Grimm/The Thing (and Fantastic Four) Y Y
Baron Brimstone Y Y Y
The Satan Squad Y Y Y
Spider-Man M M
Sunset Bain/Madam Menace Y Y Y
Rollins Y Y
Iron Man 2020 M
Jocasta Y

Single appearances

Properties belonging to non-Marvel licensees

Property Appearances Notes
U.S. 1  The Transformers:
"Prisoner of War!" 
U.S. 1 was a line of slot cars produced by Tyco, adapted into a Marvel comic of the same name.  The legal indicia for the series makes clear that, apart from the titular truck,  all original characters and concepts are property of Marvel. When Ulysses Solomon Archer  and his supporting cast re-appeared in The Sensational She-Hulk issue 6,  the truck had been heavily redesigned into a space freighter named the "Star Rig"; the Tyco U.S.-1 logo was absent from the Star Rig's design, and appearances of the U.S.-1 truck in flashback were heavily obscured.
That big green, fire-snortin' lizard  The Transformers:
"Prisoner of War!"  (mentioned)
"Inside Story!"  (mentioned as Godzilla)
Godzilla is a giant monster owned by Toho that appeared in a licensed Marvel comic  for a time; Godzilla  was a character in Earth-616 for a time, and in "Prisoner of War!", Nicholas obliquely refers back to Dum Dum's time on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Godzilla Squad. 

In "Inside Story!", Irwin Spoon  refers to Godzilla as a "Japanese monster movie", alongside King Kong.