The Transformers issue 20/The Chromobots

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The Chromobots
The Chromobots (issue 20)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 20
First published 15th June, 1985
Script Mike Kazybrid
Art Mike Kazybrid

"It's back to base for Dudley and the gang"


Following their encounter with Predator, Dudley and the Chromobots return to the boy's room to regroup. After Mikros expresses his hope that they won't wake up Dudley's parents, Shield's psionic scan reveals that Dudley's dad just moved... and is coming this way!

Mikros dives under the bed. Transmute transforms into an innocuous cuddly toy. Dudley slides under the covers. Shield uses his force weapon to make his Chromatic/organic molecular structure invisible. With the lights out, everything seems normal in the room when Dudley's dad enters, dismissing the strange noises he's been hearing around the house lately. He leaves, stopping only to criticise Dudley's new Humph the Cat teddy – in actuality the disguised Transmute.

Dudley whispers that the coast is clear, and the Chromobots come out of hiding. Shield volunteers to return to the ship and update the Chromatic Star Federation on Chromos Five. Transmute congratulates Shield's thinking, and reiterates that they will not fail in capturing Predator – though the declaration is much harder to take seriously out of the mouth of a talking soft toy.

Featured characters

Regular cast Recurring cast


(I don't remember Dudley having this soft toy of Humph the Cat! Grief –– to think that he blew his money on that!!)
(I could hardly stand up and declare that I'm of the Chromatic Star Federation whilst in this form!!)

Dudley's dad doesn't think much of another Kazybrid creation – in reality the disguised Transmute.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

  • As we noted back in issue 17, the Chromobots have been on Earth for two weeks. They don't seem to have been on the ship with Shield, and this strip makes clear that they didn't spend the time sneaking around Dudley's house. What have they been up to?

Continuity notes

  • Dudley's dad appears for the first time since issue 13. He refers to the events of that strip in that he reckons he's been hearing bangs in the house (maybe he's at that funny age).

Real-life references