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Hulk strongest hero there is. Hulk have weakness for giggly blondes.


The Hulk once fought Machine Man. Machine Man won and threw the Hulk into space, attempting to remove him from civilisation; in his damaged and dazed state, he did not realise that he had apparently thrown him towards Canada. Subsequently, the secret section of the Canadian ministry of defence codenamed Department H dispatched Sasquatch, one of their super-powered agents from Alpha Flight, to neutralise the Hulk. In the battle between the two gamma-irradiated strongmen, vast tracks of timberland were destroyed.

Some months later, Department H received a dossier from an anonymous source alleging that Machine Man had intentionally sent the Hulk to Canada on orders of the U.S. government. To determine the veracity of the dossier, a minister dispatched Sasquatch, Aurora, Northstar, and super-spy Agent K to New York City. Sasquatch rashly took Machine Man on alone, and was concerned about fighting someone who'd gone toe-to-toe with the Hulk not only once, but twice. Machine Man's answers to Sasquatch's questioning and his self-defensive fighting style convinced the Alpha Flight agent of his innocence; indeed, K's investigation uncovered that the dossier was a frame-up job by Senator Miles Brickman to further demonise Machine Man and boost his own political profile. Alone Against Alpha Flight!

Under attack by Doomsmere, Matt warned Humph that he was as strong as the Hulk. Humph did not appreciate the comparison. Matt and the Cat issue 50

The reception area of the Marvel Comics office had a mural on the wall depicting the Hulk and Captain America. I, Robot-Master! 

The Hulk wasn't invited to the Christmas party in the Combat Shed, but he wanted to boogie with the Giggly Sisters, so he broke through the wall. The Mighty Thor declared he would deal with yon gatecrasher. Christmas with... Combat Colin


The Hulk on Marvel Database, an external wiki