Maggie Jones

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Maggie demonstrates her irresistible charm.
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Maggie Jones is in the mood for an office romance, and she'll do anything to get one.


Maggie worked for Delmar Insurance, Byte of the Binary Bug! where her brother, Brock, Jolted by Jack O'Lantern! was vice president. During a meeting, she asked a colleague about the handsome new hire, Aaron Stack. Shortly after the meeting ended, Maggie invited Aaron to her apartment for cocktails "and, well... whatever", but Aaron – in reality, a "living" machine incapable of reciprocating her attraction – gave her the brush off. Eddie Harris was soon on the scene, sneering as she stormed off. Byte of the Binary Bug!

Maggie interrupted one of Eddie's fairy tales about his dating life, and just as the two were starting to bicker, Aaron snapped that he was trying to work. Maggie and Eddie went off in a huff. At Tom and Ginny Williams's party that evening, Eddie gave Aaron a glass of 190 proof alcohol as payback for his high-and-mightiness. Maggie was glad to show Aaron what's what, though she wasn't laughing when the knocked out stuffed shirt landed on top of her. Xanadu!

She upped her game one day, pouncing on Aaron for a kiss the instant he arrived at Delmar. In response, he stranded her on top of a tall filing cabinet. Embarrassed in front of Eddie, she declared war on Mr High and Mighty Aaron Stack. That evening, she lurked on the street outside his apartment, trying to catch him leaving. The next day, interrogating Aaron on his whereabouts, he told her he was with Jackie Onassis. The Man Who Could Walk Through Walls

On one occasion, Eddie loudly gossiped about the passing "Mr Personality" with Maggie who, for her part, told him to keep his voice down. They were chided by file clerk Pamela Quinn, who told them they could spend less time at the water cooler and more time working. Maggie smiled slyly when Eddie suggested Pamela had a crush on Aaron. Kill Me or Cure Me

After Baron Brimstone stole the Sol-Mac from Chem-Solar while Aaron and Eddie had been there on business, the Satan Squad began a crime spree with no clear rhyme or reason to their targets. Weeks after the first theft, Eddie noted to Maggie that it had made Aaron act like a man possessed. She agreed that he was even colder and more distant than usual. Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!

When Aaron turned up for work with his arm in a sling, Eddie cracked to Maggie that he'd tried to pat himself on the back once too often. Maggie suggested that Eddie was just sore Aaron hadn't gone in on one of Eddie's ill-thought betting pools, though Eddie considered gambling to be a science. When Maggie asked why he was always broke, Eddie retorted in a way that was unprintable. Later on, after watching Pamela crash and burn when asking Aaron out to dinner, Maggie laughed that Aaron was too cold a fish, and if he wasn't interested in a swinger like herself, what would he see in Pam? Arms and the Robot!

After Eddie failed to convince Aaron to get in on his latest gambling scheme, he immediately asked Maggie to borrow five bucks for lunch. Whatever her response was, it made him throw his hands up in the air in exasperation. Alone Against Alpha Flight!

One day in October, head honcho Byron J. Benjamin called an emergency meeting to which Aaron was late, earning him Maggie's ire – though Benjamin told her not to browbeat his top investigator. As the meeting began, Maggie introduced Aaron to her brother Brock in a whispered introduction. In the meeting, Benjamin revealed plans to unveil Delmar's new super-embassy with a costume party no Halloween. As the meeting closed, Maggie and Eddie sneered as Benjamin seemed to play favourites with Aaron.

The following week, Maggie attended the costume party with Eddie, Pamela, and Brock. As Aaron arrived late, Maggie chewed Mr. Personality out for pairing a simple rubber mask with his regular business suit. Maggie was incensed by his lack of imagination to the extent that, despite his protests, she pulled his "man of steel" mask off. She and her colleagues boggled and then laughed to find that Aaron had a robot fright mask on underneath, and Maggie was amazed at what she called his "pitiful attempts at humour".

Maggie was presumably still in attendance shortly afterwards, when the partygoers were trapped in the embassy by supervillain Jack O'Lantern. After Machine Man defeated Jack, he made tracks to avoid any of Delmar's employees asking why his face looked just like Aaron's costume. Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!