Hiram R. Goldsmith

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This article is about the scientist who made a normal man more like Machine Man. For the tailor who made Machine Man look more like a normal man, see Hiram Goldstein.

Your general purpose scientist, Dr Hiram R. Goldsmith came up with a way to siphon mass from other dimensions and saturate a person with it. The potential uses are endless, he says, without elaborating further.

His brother, Archie, calls him "Ham".


Hiram Goldsmith on Marvel Database, an external wiki

After a meeting with Miles Brickman, the senator's fixers Archie Goldsmith and Fred Greenfield stopped in at Hiram's lab before dinner. Ham was in too critical a stage of his latest experiment to leave. He used his extra-dimensional mass transfer machine on test subject Barry Witherspoon, but the experiment went in an unexpected direction, leaving Witherspoon incredibly dense and thus unstoppably strong. As Witherspoon escaped by tearing through a wall like it was paper, the injured Hiram gave Archie and Fred a set of sonic amplifiers to try and communicate with him.

While Hiram was hospitalised, Archie and Fred used the hypnotised Witherspoon to go on a crime spree. After a few heists, Archie wanted to call it quits, concerned that Ham would recover consciousness and tell the police about the lab accident. Fred darkly implied that he wouldn't, causing Archie to realise that Fred had killed his brother. The Man Who Could Walk Through Walls