Duke Dawson

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Either Duke Dawson or a guy who gets off on dark alleys is on the right.

Duke Dawson is your classic gangster. He's here to make contacts, not be wowed at the special effects of third-rate draculas.


With word on the street saying that there was a new heavy in need of some muscle, Duke Dawson and other small time criminals assembled in a musty warehouse. Then, in a puff of smoke, Baron Brimstone turned up, announcing his intentions to form a sinister Satan Squad so he could rule the criminal underworld just as Satan rules over Hell.

Duke voiced his dissent, whipping the crowd into an uproar, but Brimstone's lieutenants, Hammer Harrison and Snake Marston put the kibosh on that. As the Baron withdrew, the men considered joining the Satan Squad, but Duke wasn't impressed, saying it'd take more than that to "punch [his] ticket."

In the weeks that followed, the Satan Squad carried out co-ordinated heists to steal components required to duplicate the Sol-Mac device. Catching wind that the next job would be to steal the golden bell from the cathedral of St. Gabriella of the Highlands, Duke considered it a "real head trip", and planned to squeal for cash. A mutual contact put him in touch with Delmar Insurance's Pamela Quinn, but before he could reveal the Satan Squad's next move, he was crushed to death by Snake Marston. Pamela was taken as a hostage by Hammer Harrison. Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!


Duke Dawson on Marvel Database, an external wiki
  • The comic doesn't explicitly say Duke joined the Satan Squad, but how else would he know the Baron's plans?