The Transformers issue 14/The Chromobots

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The Chromobots
The Chromobots (issue 14)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 14
First published 23rd March, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid (uncredited)

"Dudley has problems adjusting to life with a Chromobot!"


Having sat up all night trying to understand his new reality with a space robot hiding in his room, it is now Saturday afternoon, and Dudley is out for a walk with Mikros in a shopping bag. A haughty Mikros explains that he'll soon be gone if he's such an imposition, as he's picking up a signal from a fellow Chromobot. While Dudley considers the possibility of hundreds of little robots running around, Mikros reveals his bad mood is due to being carried around in a shopping bag, which he'd find embarrassing when rendezvousing with his comrades. As they walk, a passing man notices Dudley talking to a shopping bag.

Suddenly, Dudley is approached by a tramp, who claims that Dudley has something of his. Insisting he only has his comics and his mom's shopping list, Dudley flees from the shady character. Alone, the tramp transforms into his true form, that of the Chromobot Transmute. Transmute is decidedly less personable than Mikros and, now certain that Dudley is holding his missing cohort, sets out to follow him...

Featured characters

Regular cast Others
  • Park passers-by


(Well, what do ya' know? That funny looking kid's talking to a shopping bag!!)

—An aside from a passerby.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

  • Dudley refers to his female parent as his mom, which is unusual in Britain but not impossible (maybe he's from the Black Country). But apart from that non-canon preview art in issue 11, this is the only time he uses "mom", preferring the standard British English "mum" every other time she comes up.

Continuity notes

  • Narration places this strip on a Saturday, setting the events of the previous two strips on a Friday.

Real-life references

  • A comic in Dudley's shopping bag has a logo that starts with "PET" on one line of text and "SP" on the other. Combined with the distinctive leg posing in the corner box, we can tell that this is supposed to be an issue of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man specifically from somewhere between issue 67  and issue 89.  The fact that the full title is obscured by Mikros saves us from having to expose Peter Parker's secret identity.
  • This strip (like many other instalments) ends with Stan Lee's  catchphrase "'nuff said!"