
From The Transformers UK Appendix
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Krager lives on the streets of New York City, which not only means that he's beneath notice, but also that he knows what hides in all the dimly-lit alleys...


Krager was familiar with a particular warehouse full of gunrunners, and they were quite aware of him. One evening, after stealing Machine Man's detached arm while the living robot was concerned with Baron Brimstone and the Satan Squad, Krager barged his way into the warehouse demanding big bucks for the appendage. The lead gunrunner was quick to dismiss him, but after seeing the robotic arm, decided that the tramp had earned an audience with the boss-lady.

After being blindfolded and taken to the operation's headquarters, Krager found himself having an audience with Madam Menace. She offered him a thousand dollars for the arm. He demanded twenty thousand. She showed him her flesh-eating roaches. He accepted the thousand. Arms and the Robot!