The Transformers issue 13/The Chromobots

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The Chromobots
The Chromobots (issue 13)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 13
First published 9th March, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid (uncredited)

"Dudley's little visitor has a few shocks for him!"


Dudley's bedroom has been upended by a small metallic stranger that crashed in through his window! Dudley sputters out in disbelief that this is really happening. The mechanical being introduces himself as Mikros, a Chromobot.

Dudley's dad, who heard the crash, comes bounding up the stairs. When he reaches the bedroom door, he finds Dudley sitting innocently on the bed and, despite the almighty crash, is convinced enough that things are as normal as they get in Dudley's room.

Dudley turns on Mikros, who he'd concealed behind his back, and demands an explanation as to where he's from and why he's here. Mikros tells him that he needed a soft place to land after his jetpack failed leaving the starship. His main concern is finding the others – and Dudley jolts in shock at the idea that there are more of these things!

Featured characters

Regular cast Recurring cast


"Do you people always doubt what you see with your own eyes? – I'm Mikros! I'm a Chromobot!"

Mikros (he is a Chromobot).


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

Real-life references