
From The Transformers UK Appendix
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Dobbing him in.

A team of security guards protects a Wall Street business after hours. Let's hope they don't have to deal with anything weird.

Known guards include:

  • Dobbs
  • A man with wavy brown hair
  • A man with a badge on his cap and a badge on his shirt
  • The Joker


One evening, the guards' workplace was invaded by a criminal strong enough to break through walls, sturdy enough to be immune to gunfire, and dressed as Machine Man. The perp easily knocked out the cards with his swag bag, before making off with a pile of stolen cash from the vault.

About an hour later, TV reporter Dorothy Mayson interviewed Dobbs about the break-in, and he immediately fingered Machine Man, on the basis of "Who else could smash a brick wall like he did?" Machine Man did not find this particularly helpful. The Man Who Could Walk Through Walls