The Transformers issue 15/The Chromobots

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The Chromobots
The Chromobots (issue 15)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 15
First published 6th April, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid (uncredited)

"A shopping trip brings complications!"


Transmute is a powerful Chromobot and, using his command of telepathic sensors and psionic scanners, is on the hunt for his comrade Mikros – last detected in the shopping bag of a human child.

Nearby, Dudley wonders aloud to Mikros how the old tramp they just encountered seemed to know that Dudley was hiding something. Before Mikros can explain that the old man wasn't what he appeared to be, they are joined by the shape-shifting Transmute.

After performing a psionic scan, Transmute decides that Dudley is trustworthy, and beseeches him to ally with the Chromobot Empire, as the fate of two worlds are at stake!

Featured characters

Regular cast


"Since Mikros flew into my bedroom window yesterday, I must admit that right now I can believe anything that's happening to me!"

Dudley becomes a credulous protagonist.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

  • This is the only instalment of The Chromobots to refer to the "Chromobot Empire". This is presumably the name for the wider group of populous planets surrounding Chromos Five, introduced in the next issue.

Real-life references