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The Chem-Solar corporation is world renowned for being on the cutting edge of the solar power industry, for which it develops and markets its own products.


When Chem-Solar decided to up its insurance coverage, Delmar dispatched investigators Aaron Stack and Eddie Harris to study the corporation's security arrangements. On the same day, scientists at Chem-Solar held an experiment with their latest development, the Sol-Mac, a microwave transmitter they discovered was capable of piercing a block of reinforced titanium steel.

Also on that day, the supernatural sorcerer Baron Brimstone broke in to steal yon microwave transmitter. The scientists raised the alarm and, despite Eddie's belief it was a staged security drill just to impress them, Aaron sprung into action, quick-changing into his alter ego Machine Man.

In the lab, Brimstone was confronted by Chem-Solar's security, but summoned an enchanted cone to protect himself from their bullets. He knocked the guards out with a soporific spell, but was confronted by Machine Man. In the ensuing battle, Brimstone grabbed the Sol-Mac, and used it to bombard Machine Man with a blast of microwave energy. The Baron held a code never to kill unless necessary, however, and left Machine Man alive, taking the Sol-Mac with him. With another squad of armed peacekeepers at the door, Machine Man was forced to escape despite his need for maintenance.

After weeks of the Satan Squad's heists, Byron J. Benjamin stuck his neck out to secure the Sol-Mac's specs to help Aaron in his investigation. He presumably got them from Chem-Solar. Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!