Dudley is just a normal boy. He's obsessive about comic books, prefers the indoors, and hates the idea of lying to his mum and dad.

Also like you, Dudley leaves his shoes on on the bed, you filthy animal.

OK, he's maybe more of a geek than is normal. But what's important is that he's just like you, and like you, he could one day be called upon for a great adventure by beings more marvellous than even his great imagination could conjure.


On a day in 1985, The Chromobots issue 21 Dudley was completely absorbed in an issue of The Transformers to such an extent that he didn't even hear his dad calling for his attention. What he did notice was a fast-moving object fly in through his window and upend him off his bed. Cautiously peeking over the covers, he discovered a real life space robot no bigger than a toy. Issue 12 The robot introduced himself as Mikros, a Chromobot, and apologised for dropping in. Dudley was in complete disbelief, and he was forced to hide Mikros from his dad in case he got in trouble. Dudley demanded an explanation on where Mikros was from, but Mikros' biggest concern was how he would locate his fellow Chromobots. Issue 13

After being unable to sleep for the entire night due to trying to get his head around the idea of real life robots from space, Dudley took a Saturday afternoon walk through the park with his mum's shopping list – and Mikros concealed in a carrier bag. Mikros picked up a signal from one of his comrades, briefly causing Dudley concern that the sky would be filled with diminutive Chromobots. Suddenly, Dudley was approached by an old tramp, who claimed that Dudley had something of his. The nervous boy fled. Issue 14
