The Transformers issue 24/The Chromobots

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The Chromobots
The Chromobots (issue 24)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 24
First published 10th August, 1985
Script Mike Kazybrid
Art Mike Kazybrid


Hitting the brute with another optic blast, Mikros reflects on their search for Predator, and how getting tossed into the future has taken all the fun out of the mission. Speaking again in its alien tongue, the monster lashes out at him, sending him flying.

Mikros lands near Transmute, Shield, and Dudley. The monster pursues him, and Shield goes to fight it. As Dudley worries aloud about their situation, he is confronted by Rage and Menace, two figures who, like the brute, are Mutants created by Predator – part human, part Chromobot. They were sent here on Predator's prediction that his enemies would try to come after him, and engage the Chromobots in combat.

While Rage crushes Shield and preaches the power of Predator, Dudley reflects on the sequence of events that led him here... but, sensing a presence behind him, he turns to find a familiar and unfriendly face!

Featured characters


"Wow! Shield has just got to win, or I'm never going to see home again or my Marvel comics!!"

Dudley has his priorities in order.

"Duck!! – Er... I mean Mutant, not a... forget it!!"

–As Menace flies overhead, Dudley demonstrates the level of humour on offer.


  • Unlike every other instalment of The Chromobots, which occupy two pages, this strip is spread over three.
  • Rather than Kazybrid's typical hand drawn teasers, this strip ends with the "[Autobot symbol] NEXT:" that would become the comic's standard for years.

Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

  • Shield swears by the maker, as Transmute did in issue 22.
  • Dudley's disbelief of the situation has him say "Great Scott!", which he'd previously uttered in issue 19 when he saw the size of Shield.

Real-life references