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Say "please", and "thank you". When you hear a sneeze, say "bless you". Open doors and pull out chairs. Don't push people down the stairs.

Matt and Humph never thought they'd meet a nice robot, but then they met Olia-cym. This skittish little Slavebot could only imagine what freedom was like... then one thing led to another and he became part of a rebel group. Maybe he can be their advocate for cautiousness.


Olia-cym was a Slavebot stationed on the Slave-Master's ship. The Slave-Master ordered him to ensure their Earthling prisoners were fed. Olia-cym headed to the slave section with some trepidation, and tried to break the ice with a sheepish "Hello". Unfortunately, Matt and Humph immediately pounced on him. Matt and the Cat issue 14 Olia-cym saw stars, and Matt and Humph held fire, having clearly overdone it. Olia-cym told them he was bringing them food; Matt apologised, and Humph was immediately endeared to him. Issue 15 As the ship began to descend to Darkon, Olia-cym warned them that they would be sold into slavery, and potentially split to different parts of the galaxy. Issue 16 Olia-cym could imagine nothing more torturous to a creature used to freedom than to be sold into slavery, and decided to help the two Earthlings. He discreetly guided them to a room where they could change into space suits resistant against the cold climate of Darkon. Issue 17

When the slave ship came under attack by three Myzoni star fighters, the turbulence of battle caused Olia-cym and his companions to slide across the tilted floor. Under fire from robots, Issue 18 Olia-cym led the Earthlings through the ship, finding a panel he thought would lead to their escape. It actually opened a trap door underneath them, and they were sent freefalling through the dogfight. Olia-cym was separated from Matt and Humph during their descent. Issue 19 After the duo landed, Matt realised Olia-cym wasn't with them, and set out on a rescue mission Issue 20 by searching their surroundings. Issue 21

When Humph was grabbed by the Myzoni, Issue 21 he was rescued by a group of Slavebots. The team's leader explained who the Myzoni were, and offered Humph sanctuary in their secret rebel base hidden in the Darkonian mountains. The leader eventually introduced himself as Olia-cym. Issue 22 They met up with the other Slavebots, where they treated Humph like a king. Issue 24

The Slavebots caught wind of a Myzoni patrol car in the area and reported to the Humph, who they coerced into leading a charge to overcome it. Issue 25 Olia-cym was presumably present when Humph and the Slavebots charged the patrol car. Issue 26 Humph shot at and successfully subdued one of the Myzoni. With the battle over, the Slavebots searched the patrol car, with one of them telling Olia-cym that they had found Matt. Issue 27


  • With hindsight, it is obvious that the name "Olia-cym" is a corrupted reversal of cartoonist Mike Kazybrid's real first name, Mychailo.
  • The capitalisation of Olia-cym's name comes from one of Kazybrid's blogs.[1]


  1. "It's November 1984..." on the Humph The Cat blogspot