The Transformers issue 22/Matt and the Cat

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Matt and the Cat
Matt and the Cat (issue 22)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 22
First published 13th July, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid


A beam of energy hits one of the insectoid aliens, and Humph turns to find what loyal fan helped him out. He's surprised when his saviours turn out to be a whole heap of Slavebots. His friend from the slave ship welcomes him to Darkon, inviting him to rest his furry toes on the planet's flowers, and explains that his aggressors were two of the Myzoni, the robotic star pirates that fired on the ship. The Slavebot encourages "the Humph" to hide out at their secret base in the Darkonian mountains until they can find Matt, and finally introduces himself as Olia-cym – a name Humph reckons was given by a mother with a bad sense of humour.

Featured characters

Matt, the cat, and friends Antagonists


(Wow! A loyal fan in a time of need! – Must give him my autograph!!)

Humph is rescued.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

  • We last saw Olia-cym in issue 19. He was introduced and named in issue 14, but in all that time, he never actually said his name to Matt or Humph.

Real-life references

  • We didn't know it in 1985, but Humph's remark about Olia-cym's name is self-deprecating humour on Mychailo's part.