The Transformers issue 18/Matt and the Cat

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Matt and the Cat
Matt and the Cat (issue 18)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 18
First published 18th May, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid

"Under attack!"


Minutes away from Darkon Central, one of the Slave-Master's robots detects three incoming Myzoni star fighters. The ship comes under attack, tilting it to a steep angle, and Matt, Humph, and Olia-cym slide across the floor. The robots detect the escaping prisoners and open fire – and the indignant cat wonders if they know if he's a fully paid up member of the RSPCA.

Featured characters

Matt, the cat, and friends Antagonists


Matt: "Humph! Hold on!"
Humph: (To what?– To what?)


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

  • A robot refers to a "supremor", with it being unclear as to whether it is referring to a robot of higher rank or an off-screen Slave-Master.

Real-life references

  • The RSCPA, or the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is the UK's largest animal welfare charity. (The joke being that, as Humph is under attack, he reckons his paid membership should protect him.)