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Falcon (SS-56) was a boat in the U.S. Navy. It was equipped with a revolutionary rescue diving bell; the bell's inventor, Commander McCann, served on Falcon, as did Quarter Master Sibitsky.


After the experimental submarine Squalus sank on the 23rd of May, 1939, Vice-Admiral Cole gave the order to deploy Falcon, along with Commander McCann and his diving bell. Squalus' sister ship, Sculpin, found the distress buoy first, and Cole arrived at the scene on Penacook before Falcon could navigate its way out of a storm; Falcon finally joined the two larger ships around 4:15a.m. the next morning.

Falcon's Quarter Master Sibitsky volunteered for the duty of donning a diving suit and descending to the sea floor to make contact with Squalus. After successfully tethering Falcon to Squalus's hatchway, Sibitsky was pulled back up, and McCann began the rescue operation in earnest. Trapped Beneath the Waves!


  • In real life, Falcon was designated "ASR-2". Though not explicitly spelled out in the comic, Falcon was specifically a submarine rescue ship.