Dudley's dad

From The Transformers UK Appendix
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Dudley's dad is Dudley's dad. He has a moustache, a digital watch, and no understanding of his young son.

He is presumably related in some way to Dudley's mum.


After Dudley had spent over an hour in his room reading those gosh-darned comic books, his dad called up to him, asking when he was going to come out. When he got no response, he headed back downstairs for a hot drink, dismayed at the boy's hobby. The Chromobots issue 12 Dudley's dad heard an incredible bang from the boy's room, and dashed back up the stairs in a panic. Finding Dudley sitting innocently, he thought it was strange, but dismissed the thought and headed back down. Issue 13

The next day, after Dudley returned a couple of hours behind schedule from a grocery shop for his mum, she noted that his dad wasn't too happy about the boy's timekeeping. Issue 16