
From The Transformers UK Appendix
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For Delmar Insurance to be the fifth largest insurance company in America, they need to be on the cutting edge of technology, and that is why their records room is completely computerised. On the eighth floor, you'll find Compucord.


Joseph Rambo was fired from Delmar after he was discovered tampering with the office's computers to steal from clients. He swore revenge on Delmar and Byron J. Benjamin.

On Aaron Stack's first day on the job, he was asked to run a copy of the Anderson policy down to Compucord. That evening, Rambo, in his guise as techno-thief the Binary Bug, broke into Delmar and hacked Compucord to steal information about Delmar's clients.

Later, Machine Man interfaced directly with Compucord while investigating his hunch that the thefts were related to Delmar. This put him on Rambo's trail, eventually leading to Khan of Xanadu. Byte of the Binary Bug!

Aaron became a man possessed after Baron Brimstone stole the Sol-Mac device from Chem-Solar. After Benjamin secured a copy of the Sol-Mac's specs for Aaron to study, Machine Man directly interfaced with Compucord's data banks to calculate the next target on the Baron's crime spree. He correctly predicted it to be the cathedral of St. Gabriella of the Highlands. Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!


  • Compucord is introduced as being on the eighth floor in "Byte of the Binary Bug!". By "Baron Brimstone...", it has apparently relocated to the basement.