The Transformers issue 5/Matt and the Cat

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Matt and the Cat
Matt and the Cat (issue 5)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 5
First published 17th November, 1984
By Mike Kazybrid

"Starting our space-age cartoon series"


Matt (a boy) and Humph (a cat) are enjoying a Friday night in front of a good space series on the telly when Matt's undetermined parental figure calls to put Humph out for the night. Matt happily does so – through the fourth floor window of their tower block, with Humph landing in a dustbin.

Humph peeks out and then slams the lid shut on himself, hiding from a robot that has decided the bin is a probe, and that it must be taken away for inspection!

Featured characters

Matt and the cat Antagonists



  • Our American readers may substitute Matt's fourth floor flat for a fifth floor apartment.

Artwork and technical errors

  • On the dustbin/probe, the robot says "I seem to have set off it's mechanism by the look of it!" That's the wrong "it's" – it should be "its".

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

Real-life references