The Transformers issue 12/The Chromobots

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The Chromobots
The Chromobots (issue 12)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 12
First published 23rd February, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid

"Surprises in store for a comic-crazy kid!"


Dudley is a normal boy in British suburbia whose only wish is to have an adventure like in his comic books. He gets so absorbed in his stories that he doesn't notice his dad calling out for his attention.

In the skies above, a robot notices that his jet pack has malfunctioned, leaving him gliding under his own power. Deciding a nearby house is as good a place as any to land, he glides inside... crashing directly into Dudley's bed! The shaken boy nervously peeks over the covers to see if anything is there, and is surprised when the robot, no bigger than a toy, answers him!

Featured characters

Regular cast Recurring cast


(Comics in my room is one thing – but... but... this!!)

Dudley's thoughts on his latest acquisition.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

Real-life references