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After he kidnapped nuclear arms designer [[Tessa Stone]], {{storylink|The Transformers issue 19/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 19}} [[Predator]] used his [[time modulator]] to travel into the future, where he used her knowledge to successfully create a weapon from nuclear and [[Chromobot]] technologies. He used it to destroy [[Chromos Five]] and the [[Chromobot Empire|surrounding planets]] as well as ravage Earth. By the year [[Robot universe#2535|2535]], Predator had wiped out all human life to clear the slate and allow him to start anew. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 25/The Chromobots|Issue 25}} He did so by creating the Mutants, human/Chromobot halfbreeds that were loyal to his commands. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 24/The Chromobots|Issue 24}} Looking to show the heroic Chromobots the real extent of his power, he returned the injured and unconscious body of Tessa back to 1985 {{storylink|The Transformers issue 25/The Chromobots|Issue 25}} to act as bait. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 23/The Chromobots|Issue 23}}
The Mutants travelled to the location of the time shift, following Predator's prediction that the Chromobots would be there. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 24/The Chromobots|Issue 24}} The [[Brute]] was the first one to make contact, starting a fight with [[Mikros]]. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 23/The Chromobots|Issue 23}} [[Rage]] and [[Menace]] joined soon afterwards. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 24/The Chromobots|Issue 24}}
Predator himself arrived on the scene, and ordered the Mutants to stand down with a simple vocal command. The Mutants listened as the Chromatic criminal explained what he'd accomplished with the time modulator. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 25/The Chromobots|Issue 25}} The Chromobots' human ally, [[Dudley]], leapfrogged over Rage and snatched the modulator from Predator, who ordered the Mutants to stop the boy. [[Transmute]], [[Shield]], and Mikros held the Mutants off for long enough for Dudley to make it back through the time shift to 1985. After Shield destroyed the time modulator with his force weapon, the time shifts were closed and time in the 26th Century was destabilised, trapping Predator and the Mutants in a folding in timeline. All of Predator's accomplishments would be replaced with the future as it was intended to happen, meaning the Mutants would never be created. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 26/The Chromobots|Issue 26}}
*In the wider Marvel universe, [[Mutant]]s are {{Marvel|Mutants_(Homo_superior)|mutated humans}} born with the {{Marvel|Mutant_Genes|X-Gene,}} typically featured in comics about the [[X-Men]].
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