
From The Transformers UK Appendix
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When someone shoots you with a laser beam, remember that it would be rude to scream.

The Slavebots are a class of robot that serve the people of Darkon, including the Slave-Master on his ship. Due to their function, they have never before tasted freedom.

Then: revolution.


Olia-cym was a Slavebot. A particularly stupid one, according to the Slave-Master. Matt and the Cat issue 14 Because he was built for servitude, he had never known freedom, and he believed that being sold into slavery would be torture for creatures used to living freely. He gave this as the reason for wanting to aid the escape of captured Earthlings Matt and Humph. Issue 17

Before he learned Olia-cym's name, Matt referred to him as "the Slavebot". Issue 20 Issue 21

When Humph was grabbed by the Myzoni, Issue 21 he was rescued by a group of Slavebots led by Olia-cym. Olia-cym explained who the Myzoni were, and they took Humph to their secret rebel base hidden in the Darkonian mountains Issue 22 where they treated him like a king. A high-ranking rebel listed Humph's many titles and achievements as a hero to the oppressed, but Humph was less impressed when he realised they thought he'd go so far as dying for their liberation. Issue 24

The Slavebots caught wind of a Myzoni patrol car in the area and reported the Humph. The rebel leader gave Humph a gun and coerced him into leading a charge to overcome it. Issue 25 Humph and the Slavebots charged the patrol car, and the Myzoni opened fire on them to protect their prisoner. Inside the vehicle, Matt made his own movements, discovering a gun of his own and aiming to take down a Myzoni from behind. He was bonked on the head when Humph vaulted the patrol car. Issue 26 Humph shot at and successfully subdued one of the Myzoni. With the battle over, the Slavebots searched the patrol car and retrieved Matt. Issue 27


  • Some, but not all, Slavebots are differentiated by decorations on their torsos, including a Ziggy-style lightning bolt, horizontal stripes, and a five point star.