Planet Terry's ship

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Call that a PT cruiser.

To facilitate his search for his long lost parents, Planet Terry has a ship.


Terry's first home was the life ship in which he'd grown up. After doing a favour for the Wazir of Uranus, he was gifted a ship of his own, and he began to travel the galaxy searching for his parents. A Clue

The ship had retractable landing gear and an access ramp The Search on each side. The windows of the cockpit could roll down like an automobile. A Clue The initials "PT" decorated the dorsal fin. Malt Shop Menace In the corridor behind the cockpit was an astro-screen, a klaxon that would sound in times of emergency, A Clue a small selection of blasters, Malt Shop Menace and at least one jet pack capable of allowing its wearer to travel in space. The Saga of Princess Ugly The interior was big enough to contain Terry's life ship. The ship had rocket engines The Search A Clue which were accessible from the inside. Some Answers

Terry's ship became so associated with him that the residents of Bznko knew him by it. He landed the ship on Bznko on the day he drove away the Yungmun. The Search Not long afterwards, Terry became friends with Robota, who joined him on his quest. His handling of the ship impressed her, and he told her he'd been born on one – literally, as he proved by showing her the life ship. Shortly, the engines of the ship malfunctioned, signalled by a klaxon, and Robota consulted the astro-screen for somewhere to touch down. Terry made an emergency landing on a small planetoid, the performance of which impressed the rock's prospector, Enoch Diggs.

Diggs was an old space hound, and offered to take a look at the ship's rocket engines. The sight of the life ship helped him realise that he knew who Terry's parents were. A Clue After telling the boy the story of his birth on the Space Warp and the subsequent separation from his parents, Diggs fixed up the engine via an interior access panel. On Diggs' suggestion, Terry and Robota set out for the Milk Toast Malt Shop, where they could get more information from Squink. Some Answers

Terry set the ship down on Asteroid 43KX, where he and Robota travelled to the Malt Shop. They returned to the ship with Squink, who had been rendered unconscious during a bar fight, and their new ally Omnus. As they departed the asteroid, Squink covertly reached for a blaster from the ship's armoury, vowing that no-one would ever learn the secret of the Space Warp. Malt Shop Menace Squink pulled the blaster on Terry and refused to elaborate about his time on the Space Warp; he then grabbed a jet pack. Consulting the astro-screen, Robota warned him of an incoming astro tornado. Squink refused to listen to her, and he jumped ship.

Terry's ship was tossed around by the astro tornado and was thrown down onto the world of the Gorkels. A Gorkel consulted with the Wise One that aliens had arrived – mistaking the ship's crash for the type of landing a wealthy being would perform with a disposable craft. As Terry and his friends were taken in by the Gorkels' hospitality, the Wise One explained that they were "close enough" to fulfilling a prophecy about freeing their princess from her wicked uncle. If they rescued her, the Wise One promised to fix Terry's ship. Terry accepted, knowing that he'd need the ship if he was to ever find his parents. The Saga of Princess Ugly


  • Like the boy himself, Terry's ship appears in the 2009-2010 miniseries X-Babies in which the titular team  uses it to escape "Station PT-485" – the studio from which the Planet Terry show was being broadcast. The ship is irreparably damaged, and crashes into the domain of Wally the Wizard