Commander McCann

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Commander McCann worked for the U.S. Navy. He was the inventor and operator of a rescue diving bell, which saw its first use in 1939.


After the experimental submarine Squalus sank on the 23rd of May, 1939, Vice-Admiral Cole gave the order to deploy Falcon, along with Commander McCann and his diving bell. McCann's arrival at the scene of the accident was delayed by Falcon getting caught in a storm; it finally arrived around 4:15a.m. the next morning, when a crewman pointed out the lights of Sculpin and Penacook to McCann.

The use of the diving bell required there to be a rope fastened to the hatchway of Squalus. Quarter Master Sibitsky volunteered for the duty, and once he had successfully done so, Commander McCann and a colleague descended in the bell. Thanks to McCann and his invention, all 33 crew members manning Squalus were saved. Trapped Beneath the Waves!


  • Commander McCann is based on Lieutenant Commander Allan Rockwell McCann. In real life, McCann did not operate the bell personally,[1] but that is undoubtedly his likeness used for the capsule operator in the comic.
  • McCann is also not solely responsible for the McCann Rescue Chamber, as it was originally conceived by Lt. Cdr. Charles "Swede" Momsen, who was coordinating the Squalus rescue operation in real life.
