Asteroid 43KX is a populated astronomical object. Notable locations include the Milk Toast Malt Shop. Its fauna includes Crocogaters and Gnork hogs.


When Planet Terry was on the search for his long lost parents, he encountered Enoch Diggs, formerly the engineer for the Confederation Cosmos Cruiser Space Warp. Diggs directed Terry to seek out the ship's former radioman, Squink, who spent his retirement at the Milk Toast Malt Shop on Asteroid 43KX. Some Answers

Terry and Robota journeyed to Asteroid 43KX, where Terry set his ship down within walking distance of the Malt Shop. In order to reach it, he and Robota first had to brave walking along a log across a moat infested with Crocogaters. At the same time, the fearsome Omnus was coming in the opposite direction, smashing whatever was in his way, including the asteroid's trees, bushes, and Gnork hogs. When Omnus came face to face with Terry on the log, he took a swing at him, but he landed in the moat. Robota went to his rescue, and a cowed Omnus wandered off, saying he owed them.

Terry and Robota entered the malt shop, where they were surprised to find that it was more of a filthy dive bar. They found Squink just as he became violent from being refused service. Terry and Robota intervened when the boss bartender sicced Morthrott and Grmbil on Squink, consigning all three of them to a dip in the moat with the gators.

Omnus joined in the fight, having come to return his favour. As he, Terry, and Robota fled the malt shop with Squink carried over the gynoid's shoulder, the bar staff chased after them with weapons. Terry slowed down their pursuers by kicking the log bridge loose from its moorings. Omnus joined Terry's crew on the basis that he couldn't stick around on Asteroid 43KX much longer, and they set off. Malt Shop Menace