Vermin the Vile's species

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In addition to the Gorkels, the planet Gorkel is home to a race of pink-skinned humanoids. While still revering Princess Ugly, this unnamed species is comparatively less pious to the book and more technologically advanced. The species is known to live in the Domed City, citadel of Vermin the Vile. Visual signifiers of members seem to include pointed ears and androgenetic alopecia.


Vermin the Vile was a notable member of this species; The Doom of the Domed City he lived in the Domed City The Saga of Princess Ugly on Gorkel The Secret of the Space Warp with other members of the same race The Doom of the Domed City including his dungeon guard. Too Close (Enough) for Comfort

This species was known to be in possession of a number of working space ships; as Gorkel featured at least two rocket graveyards, it is possible that they were originally extra-terrestrial settlers. The Doom of the Domed City Whatever the case, they had been established on Gorkel for long enough for Vermin the Vile to be a blood relative to the Gorkels' reigning monarch, Princess Ugly. The Saga of Princess Ugly

Seeking the throne for himself, Vermin kidnapped Princess Ugly and placed her under a sleeping spell, so that he could rule the planet in her place, something which depressed the Gorkels The Saga of Princess Ugly and his own underlings alike. The Doom of the Domed City When Planet Terry and his crew crash landed on Gorkel, the Wise One coerced them to rescue the princess. The Saga of Princess Ugly

They made steady progress to the Domed City, despite Vermin's interference, Too Close (Enough) for Comfort but a malfunction with his all-seeing Mayhem Maker caused him to withdraw. When Terry and friends made it to the dungeon, they found the guard covering his ears and regretting his life choices. Terry unsuccessfully tried to convince him to open the door so they could restore Princess Ugly to the throne, but he was more amenable to Omnus's threat of violence. Inside, Terry was astounded to find that Princess Ugly had a rather non-indicative name, and he woke her up with a kiss. The guard cheered that the spell was broken, and his whoops for joy spread throughout the Domed City, leading its people in jubilation.

Soon, Terry finally got the opportunity to ask one of the Domed City's residents how it got its name despite the absence of any dome in its architecture. A passer-by suggested that it must have been written in the book, but Princess Ugly knew the actual answer: the book prophesied that once the sleeping spell was broken, the Mayhem Maker would go haywire and destroy the citadel – rather than the Domed City, it was the Doomed City. This was "close enough!" for its citizens, who scattered to escape, fleeing in their spaceships in a manner Robota compared to Friday night quitting time at the robot factory. The Domed City was subsequently destroyed. The Doom of the Domed City


  • As you can tell, the species is not named in Planet Terry. We could pretend that they're called Viles, as though Vermin's epithet is a proper noun, but that'd be disingenuous in light of Planet Terry issue 11,  which makes clear it is his family name.
  • Princess Ugly is presumably half Gorkel, half whatever these guys are.