Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe

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Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe were inmates of Alcatraz. They didn't stick around.


Cole and Roe were imprisoned in Alcatraz. After months of planning, they attempted to escape the prison on the 16th of December, 1937, via a wash-house window. Their route was well-prepared, and their escape masked by the thick fog of San Francisco bay. They parted ways when they reached the shore, and attempted to swim to the mainland.

Neither Cole nor Roe were ever heard of again. The federal prison's records listed them as disappeared, speculating that they could have drowned. The Truth About Alcatraz!


  • In real life, Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe's escape attempt wasn't via a wash-house; they went through the window of a "mat shop", a room where prisoners turned discarded tyres into rubber mats for the U.S. Navy.