The Saga of Princess Ugly

"The search begins anew"

Planet Terry
Planet Terry in The Saga of Princess Ugly
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 20
First published 15th June, 1985
Writer Lenny Herman
Pencils Warren Kremer
Inks Jon D'Agostino
Colours Peter Kremer
Letterer Grace Kremer
Editor Sid Jacobson
Executive editor Tom DeFalco
Editor-in-chief Jim Shooter


Machine Man can only live safely among the humans once they realise he's 'armless.
"I feel naked without my left arm!"

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Featured characters

Planet Terry's crew Antagonists Inhabitants


"Don't go, Squink! I've just received a warning of an astro tornado! It's due any moment!"
"Heh heh! The old astro tornado due-any-moment trick, eh? So long, suckers!"

Robota tries to protect Squink, who doesn't listen.

"They must come from a very wealthy world! When you land a ship like that, you can only use it once!"

—The ignorant one misunderstands a crash landing.


Planet Terry issue 2 on Marvel Database, an external wiki

Original printing

  • Planet Terry issue 2, 22 January 1985

As originally published, each issue of Planet Terry contained multiple separately-titled but interconnected chapters. "The Saga of Princess Ugly" is the first of three chapters from the second issue.


  • Warren Kremer's credit is changed from "penciler" to "penciller", and Peter Kremer goes from a "colorist" to a "colourist".
  • On the first, fifth, and sixth pages, the inking is altered on Terry's picture frame to say "MUM" instead of "MOM", with varying degrees of success. On page five, Terry's dialogue is similarly edited.
  • Also on page five, "honor" because "honour".

Artwork and technical errors

  • Considering all the other moms are edited to mums, it's weird that there's one they missed on the first page.
  • On the second page, Robota's dialogue refers to Squink as "Squint".
  • One drawing of Omnus on page five is coloured entirely yellow.

Continuity errors

  • All these "mum" edits create a continuity flub with "A Clue", in which the picture frame was introduced reading "Mom & Dad". The exact placement of each word on the frame is inconsistent every time it is seen – and on the first page, the signature is rendered as "Mum + Dad", with a plus symbol instead of an ampersand!

Continuity notes

  • Not referred to by name in this story, "Too Close (Enough) for Comfort" reveals the friendly aliens to be Gorkels, and "The Secret of the Space Warp" reveals that the planet is also named Gorkel.
  • The impenetrable forest, the Mayhem Maker, the terror vines, the volcano, and the whirlpool are threats Terry and friends face in "Too Close (Enough) for Comfort", and it is in that exact order that they are introduced to the audience.

Real-life references

Other notes

  • This story and "Malt Shop Menace" are the only Planet Terry strips to be printed entirely in colour.