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On the search for his [[Planet Terry's parents|long lost parents]], [[Planet Terry]] encountered [[Enoch Diggs]], who had served under Terry's father on the ''[[Space Warp]]''. Though Diggs filled in as many details as he could, time had played tricks on his memory, and he encouraged Terry to seek out Squink for more information. {{storylink|Some Answers}}
Squink could be found at the [[Milk Toast Malt Shop]] on [[Asteroid 43KX]]. When Terry and his friend [[Robota]] entered the establishment, they asked a [[Milk Toast Malt Shop#Fish person bartender|bartender]] about Squink's whereabouts, and he directed them to the ice cream freak at the other end of the bar. There they found Squink demanding another banana split; when the former radioman became violent after being refused service, the [[Milk Toast Malt Shop#Boss bartender|boss bartender]] set his bouncers [[Morthrott and Grmbil]] on him. Squink apparently fainted during the confrontation.
Terry and Robota attempted to stop Morthrott and Grmbil from throwing them to the [[Crocogater]]s, and in turn they were rescued by [[Omnus]], a violent alien to whom they had shown mercy earlier. With the bouncers out for the count, Terry, Robota, and Omnus decided to get out while the going was good. Since Squink was unconscious, Robota had to carry him on their return to [[Planet Terry's ship|the ship]].