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[[File:Planet Terry crashing on Gorkel.jpg|thumb]]
'''Gorkel''' is a rocky and barren planet, home of the [[Gorkels]] and other species. It seems to be a good place to crash a space ship.
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As they made their way through the impenetrable forest, their journey was observed by [[Scavage]], disguised as a parrot. Scavage reported back to Vermin, and both were aware of the prophecy. Vermin used the Mayhem Maker to impede the heroes' progress. First, he turned the vines in a break in the woodlands into tickle vines to leave them helpless with laughter, but Robota proved immune. Next, he caused a volcano to spontaneously erupt from out of the ground, but Omnus granted his friends safe passage. When they came across a placid stream, Vermin used the Mayhem Maker to turn it into a whirlpool, whipping them up and through the air to the outskirts of the Domed City where they were confined in a bubble cell. The exposure to the elements caused Robota to begin rusting. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
{{stub|{{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}}}
Vermin returned to his lair to troubleshoot the Mayhem Maker, while Terry and Omnus broke free and derusted Robota with grease from one of Gorkel's rocket graveyards. The three heroes successfully broke the spell and rescued Princess Ugly, who revealed the prophecy that the Mayhem Maker would go haywire and destroy the Do'''o'''med City, causing its inhabitants to flee. Sure enough, the machine exploded and took the citadel with it. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
Terry, Robota, and Omnus returned Princess Ugly to the Gorkels. When Terry revealed that part of his mission to find [[Planet Terry's parents|his parents]] involved tracking down what happened to their ship, the ''[[Space Warp]]'', the Gorkels gasped, as it was one of many spaceships to have crashed on the planet. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
[[Category:Planet Terry]]
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