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The [[Book of the Gorkels]] foretold a time when something called a [[Mayhem Maker]] would go berserk and destroy the city when an evil spell was broken; thus, it was intended to be named the '''Doomed City''', but it somehow became known as the Domed City. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}} The city came to belong to [[Vermin the Vile]], {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}} who was unaware of the name's origins. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}} It was also home to [[Vermin the Vile's species|a number of people of the same species]]. The Domed City was surrounded by a rocket graveyard. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
The Domed City belonged to [[Vermin the Vile]]. After kidnapping his niece, [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]], he put her under a sleeping spell and secluded her in the Domed City, so that he could rule Gorkel in her place. The [[Book of the Gorkels]] foretold a time when alien creatures would arrive to break the spell; when [[Planet Terry]] and his friends wound up on Gorkel, they were put to the task by the [[Wise One]]. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}
{{stub|{{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}}}
TheAfter Domed City belonged to [[Vermin the Vile]]. After kidnappingkidnapped his niece, [[Princess Ugly|Princess<sub> (shudder) </sub>Ugly]], he put her under a sleeping spell and secluded her in the Domed City, so that he could rule Gorkel in her place. The [[Book of the Gorkels]] foretold a time when alien creatures would arrive to break the spell; when [[Planet Terry]] and his friends wound up on Gorkel, they were put to the task by the [[Wise One]]. {{storylink|The Saga of Princess Ugly}}
Terry and his crew ventured through Gorkel's impenetrable forest, where they were observed by [[Scavage]]. Scavage returned to the Domed City to report to Vermin. Aware of the book's prophecy, Vermin checked with his [[dungeon guard]] by intercom to see if the princess was still sleeping, but they had trouble communicating. Vermin attempted to impede the heroes' progress using the Mayhem Maker.
When Terry and friends made it close enough to the Domed City, Vermin decided to arrest them, placing them in a bubble cell. Here on the outskirts of the citadel, visible now that Vermin had lifted the mist, Terry asked why the Domed City was so named when it had no Dome. Vermin had no answer, other than that it was probably written in "that dumb book of the Gorkels". As Vermin laughed evilly, [[Robota]] began to rapidly rust. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
Vermin left the three aliens imprisoned and imperilled to brainstorm a suitably evil punishment for them. Returning to his lair, he found the Mayhem Maker malfunctioning and called for a [[Mayhem Maker Repairs, Inc.|repairman]]. Meanwhile, Terry and [[Omnus]] popped the bubble cell with a fall and used grease from the rocket graveyard to derust Robota. The three of them rescued Princess Ugly, who was awoken by a kiss from Terry – though not in the way he expected. News of the spell being lifted spread throughout the Domed City, and the citizens celebrated Vermin's downfall. When Terry asked a resident about the name of the Domed City, Princess Ugly explained about the book's prophecy that the city would be destroyed, and the denizens fled. Sure enough, as Terry, Robota, Omnus, and the princess escaped on a [[skimmer craft]], the Mayhem Maker exploded, taking the Domed City with it. Vermin, held aloft in Scavage's talons, swore revenge on those meddling kids. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
[[Category:Planet Terry]]
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