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As Gears and Peter paced the apartment, worried about their missing friend, Machine Man walked the cold city streets. Both emotionally and physically scarred from the loss of his temper, Aaron contemplated on his new understanding about the darkness in his soul, wondering how he could possibly face tomorrow.
{{storylink|Alone Against Alpha Flight!}}
{{stub|{{storylink|Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!}}{{storylink|The New Machine Man}}}}
In 1985, {{storylink|The Transformers issue 21/The Chromobots|''The Chromobots'' issue 21}} comics fan [[Dudley]] had a poster of Machine Man. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 12/The Chromobots|Issue 12}} {{storylink|The Transformers issue 16/The Chromobots|Issue 16}} {{storylink|The Transformers issue 20/The Chromobots|Issue 20}}
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