Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!: Difference between revisions

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===Part 3===
Peter paces his apartment, concerned that the party at the embassy is less than an hour away and they've yet to hear from Aaron. Gears is certain that Aaron is made of stern stuff, but Peter again blows up that Aaron is a person, not just a machine.
Elsewhere, Machine Man concludes that his blackouts are the result of a malfunction in his cerebral cortex. If it cannot be fixed, he reasons that sooner or later he must lay down his life rather than become a rampaging monster. But before he faces his fate, he has unfinished business...
Aaron arrives at the super-embassy after the party has already started. In his civvies, with a disfigured face, and with no time to pick up a costume, Aaron approaches a pair of young trick-or-treaters for a quick fix. One bribe later, Aaron enters the costume party wearing a rubber superhero mask. He meets with his colleagues from Delmar, who quickly overwhelm him with talk of concern and betting and his lacking outfit. [[Maggie Jones]] in particular is unimpressed with his mask, and pulls it off despite Aaron's protestations. The gang stares... and then laughs; as Maggie puts it, beneath one "man of steel" mask lies another. Aaron is agog that they think his true, irreducible appearance is a costume.
Elsewhere, Jack O'Lantern and his men enter the super-embassy using tickets purchased from a country too poor to send their own ambassadors. As Jack planned, the embassy's personnel are eager to show off the finer points of the security system to prospective buyers, so he and his disguised freebooters are taken on a tour. Aaron clocks them through the crowd, and snubs Pamela's offer of a dance to try and pursue them.
In the security centre, Jack and his men knock out its operators with gas, seizing control of the embassy. On Jack's command, thick bulkhead doors seal and partition the building, giving him 724 valuable hostages. Aaron is trapped alone in a corridor, immune to the mercenaries' knockout gas, and makes to directly interface with the embassy's computer systems by an access port inside a wall. In the control centre, Peckman informs Jack O'Lantern of a disturbance in the corridor, and the villain heads out to investigate... just as Machine Man strains to overload the computer in an attempt to unsecure the embassy!
===Part 4===
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"He'll never realize he's dragging a non-paying passenger! Of course, it'll be instant embarrassment if he drives into an underpass with a low clearance!"
:—'''Machine Man''', while negating gravity high above Peckman's car.
'''Pamela:''' "Aaron, we've been waiting for you!"<br>
'''Maggie:''' "Speak for yourself, Cinderella! Now that he's here, this party'll become about as exciting as a trip to the orthodontist."
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