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At Aaron and [[Peter Spaulding|Peter]]'s apartment, the strait-laced psychiatrist's worry for his superhero friend manifests as a swipe at the boorish [[Gears Garvin]]. The conflict between them escalates, as Peter accuses Gears of using Aaron as a simply toy with which to tinker, and Gears responds in kind that Aaron is a mere case study for Peter. Machine Man returns home, and the two men play down their argument as a mild disagreement over what to watch on television. As Gears tends to Machine Man's injured leg, Peter privately reflects that they were acting childishly by fighting over their friend's attentions.
Across town, in a posh [[New York City#Manhattan|Mid-Manhattan]] hotel, Senator [[Miles Brickman]] is still on the campaign trail, preaching his usual rhetoric against the menace of Machine Man. His ship is sinking, however; even before the tepid response from his audience, his offstage supporters note that his popularity is dropping and that he hasn't scored well in the primaries. Privately, they encourage Brickman to focus on more important societal issues, but the senator says he has already taken steps to destroy Machine Man as part of a plan that will cement his reputation as society's saviour...
<!--Across town, in a posh [[New York City#Manhattan|Mid-Manhattan]] hotel, Senator [[Miles Brickman]] campaigns-->
Meanwhile, an important conference is taking place in [[Department H]], a top-secret section of the Canadian ministry of defence situated five hundred metres below the parliament buildings in Ottawa, Ontario. A minister briefs his men about an incident some months ago wherein they dispatched their super-powered agent, [[Sasquatch]], to stop the rampage that ensued after the [[Hulk|Incredible Hulk]] invaded Canadian territory. He explains that parliament has received a dossier from an anonymous source that alleges that the Hulk was hypnotised and deliberately sent to Canada by Machine Man, a robot rumoured to have ties to the U.S. government. If true, the implications for U.S./Canadian relations are disastrous.
The minister has chosen Department H's top covert operative, [[Agent K]], to head to New York City and determine the origin and veracity of the unattributed dossier. He takes K to meet the team of specialists who will accompany him to keep Machine Man off his tail: members of the Canadian super-team, [[Alpha Flight]]! Agent K watches as the near-mythical superheroes train their powers: Dr. Walter Langkowski, alias Sasquatch, proves his strength under the force of a four ton hydraulic press, while the twins Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier – [[Northstar]] and [[Aurora]] – demonstrate their super speed by dodging sonic and laser obstacles. After the training session finishes, the minister explains to the four agents that their operation must be carried out without official sanction so as to not jeopardise their relations with America. Early the following morning, their limousine crosses the border into the United States...
===Part 2===
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*[[Miles Brickman]]
*[[Hulk]] (footage)
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