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Gears owned the repair shop, {{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}} which was named "Garvin's Garage", {{storylink|Arms and the Robot!}} and may have done so for at least eight years. Once, he had a fiancée, but she called off the engagement after he spent the honeymoon fund on parts for his motorbike. He stood by the decision; she went on to go through three husbands, while he still had the hog. {{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}}
Gears was having a normal day up until an injured Machine Man fell out of the sky and bounced on a few of his autos. Surprised to see an actual, working robot, Gears insisted that he could fix him up, despite Machine Man's protestations to leave him to recharge. By bypassing some circuitry and rewiring a muscle, Gears fixed Machine Man's injured arm, and the robot was surprised and allowed him to continue. Though Gears didn't have the parts to repair his legs, he lashed up a unicycle wheel for Machine Man to get about, allowing the hero to continue his pursuit of [[Ion]]. After the affair was over with, Machine Man set off to see Gears about the restoration of his legs. {{storylink|Kill Me or Cure Me}}
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Machine Man called in on Gears after an encounter with [[Baron Brimstone]], who had penetrated the robot's breastplate with the concentrated microwave energy of the [[Sol-Mac]]. Gears patched Machine Man back up, additionally giving him a laser-proof coating. Noting Aaron's concern about the Sol-Mac, Gears retrieved the wedding rings from his aborted engagement from the detritus of his living quarters. The gold in the rings, once flattened, was applied to Machine Man's brain casing and chest plates, providing insulation against microwaves. {{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}}
After Machine Man's arm went missing in the conflict with Brimstone, {{storylink|Baron Brimstone and his Sinister Satan Squad!}} Aaron regrouped at his and Peter's apartment, where Gears bickered with Peter that all they needed to do was throw together a new arm. Aaron shut down their arguing by asserting that he was a person and he wanted his arm back. After a tense silence, Gears excused himself to work on a device to track the missing member.
{{stub|{{storylink|Arms and the Robot!}}}}
Aaron met with Gears at his garage after his work shift the following day. Gears had managed to whip up a power booster, worn in place of Machine Man's arm, which increased the amount of energy going into his chest circuitry and allowed him to increase the range of his radio transceivers. After Machine Man immediately received a faint signal emanating from his arm, Gears encouraged him to hop to it. {{storylink|Arms and the Robot!}}
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