A former Servant Robot, Series III, put out to pasture by the new model, Robota got a second chance at life thanks to Planet Terry. Naturally inquisitive and obliging, Robota goes out of her way to help people – even those who have previously threatened her wellbeing – and does it all with a pleasant demeanour and a well-natured wisecrack. She's protective of Terry, as can be seen when a certain beautiful princess enters the picture... or is that a bit of jealousy in her optic sensors? She'll never admit to it.

Robota is a valuable ally, with her mechanical nature giving her a great physical strength. Her steel skin means she is resistant to damage and, uh, tickling (which does come up), but does leave her vulnerable to magnetism and oxidisation. Anything she can't bonk on the head, she can blast with her head-mounted robot ray beam.


After Planet Terry was granted the literal pick of the literal litter for driving away the Yungmun, his probing hands hit a switch, turning on Robota's grid and reactivating her. The Search


  • "Robota" is a pun on the name "Roberta", as evidenced when the latter slipped by the editors in Planet Terry issue 5.  
  • As with Terry, Robota's next appearance after Planet Terry concluded was in the 2009-2010 miniseries X-Babies  which breathed new life into the Star Comics original characters. The first version of Robota shown was part of the 24/7 dance party that was the cutesified and vapid Mojoworld   version of Planet Terry. Like Terry himself, this Robota was revealed to be a construct based on the memories of the real Terry, who was imprisoned in a VR simulation. Once freed by the X-Babies, the real Terry returned to his time and space of origin, reuniting with Robota and Omnus.