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[[File:Machine Man Pamela Quinn rescued.jpg|thumb|upright=0.7|Talk about a romantic entanglement.]]
[[File:Machine Man Pamela Quinn rescued.jpg|thumb|upright=0.825|Talk about a romantic entanglement.]]
Outwardly a prim and proper file clerk for [[Delmar Insurance]], there's something more to '''Pamela Quinn''' than meets the eye. Though not an insurance investigator herself, she makes her own inquiries when she feels the need, with some of her contacts even having connections with the criminal underworld.
Outwardly a prim and proper file clerk for [[Delmar Insurance]], there's something more to '''Pamela Quinn''' than meets the eye. Though not an insurance investigator herself, she makes her own inquiries when she feels the need, with some of her contacts even having connections with the criminal underworld.

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After Aaron rebuffed another one of Eddie's schemes, he bumped into Pamela in the office. Noticing he seemed troubled (and perhaps that he'd been avoiding her), she asked if something was wrong. {{storylink|Alone Against Alpha Flight!}}
After Aaron rebuffed another one of Eddie's schemes, he bumped into Pamela in the office. Noticing he seemed troubled (and perhaps that he'd been avoiding her), she asked if something was wrong. {{storylink|Alone Against Alpha Flight!}}

{{stub|{{storylink|Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!}}}}
One day in October, Byron Benjamin called an emergency meeting to which Pamela attended. When Aaron arrived late, Pamela voiced concern that his face seemed swollen, but he brushed off the question. In the meeting, Benjamin revealed plans to unveil Delmar's new [[super-embassy]] with a costume party no [[Halloween]], but Pamela's thoughts were occupied with Aaron's obliviousness to her feelings for him. As the meeting closed, Benjamin asked Aaron to stay behind, earning a worried look from Pamela.

The following week, Pamela attended the costume party with Maggie, Eddie, [[Brock Jones]]. As Aaron arrived late, Pamela said how they'd all been waiting for him, though Maggie told her to speak for herself. Maggie was so incensed by Aaron's low effort costume – a rubber mask paired with his regular business suit – that she pulled his "man of steel" mask off. Pamela and her colleagues boggled and then laughed to find that Aaron had a robot fright mask on underneath.

Shortly afterwards, Pamela asked Aaron to dance, but he snubbed her and disappeared into the crowd. Pamela thought to herself that his heart must have been made of steel.

She was presumably still in attendance when the partygoers were trapped in the embassy by supervillain [[Jack O'Lantern]]. After Machine Man defeated Jack, he made tracks to avoid any of Delmar's employees asking why his face looked just like Aaron's costume. {{storylink|Jolted by Jack O'Lantern!}}

{{MarvelWiki|Pamela_Quinn_(Earth-616)|Pamela Quinn}}
{{MarvelWiki|Pamela_Quinn_(Earth-616)|Pamela Quinn}}