
From The Transformers UK Appendix
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Hello, Marz-pan. Kiss the butt. Kiss a butt.

The Lobbs are a series of robots that serve the Slave-Master on his star ship. They communicate in an unusual language, and when deactivated, resemble upturned egg cups.


Stuck on his first alien space ship, Humph encountered a deactivated Lobb, thinking it was a cosmic cat basket or an intergalactic egg cup. As he continued his search for Matt, the Lobb activated and followed him. Matt and the Cat issue 8 The Lobb plainly announced its intentions to take the "horrid furry little creep" prisoner, which Humph deciphered using a translation dictionary. To be fair, he could have figured it out from the way it was carrying him away. Issue 9 The Lobb also threw the "distasteful flea carrier" around a bit Issue 10 before escorting him to the Slave-Master. Issue 11

At least two Lobbs were stationed on the bridge. Issue 13 A Lobb and a robot went about their business while Olia-cym guided Matt and Humph to escape the ship. Issue 17


  • Unnamed throughout Matt and the Cat, the Lobbs were first created for Mike Kazybrid's previous project, Wishy, Washy and Wig, in 1976. Matt and the Cat was the first time he actually used them in a comic.[1] He admits to having no idea where the name came from.[2][3]
