Bznko bickerers

From The Transformers UK Appendix
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Among the people that live on Bznko are a trio of aliens that argue about the date.


The trio were quite familiar with Planet Terry and his quest for his missing parents, such that they dreaded his return. On one occasion, while enjoying a walk on a sunny and partly sunny day, the aliens were surprised to hear the engines of a landing space ship. Recognising it as belonging to Terry, the aliens bickered over the date of Terry's last visit.

Their apprehension at Terry's visit turned to anger, as they told the boy for the umteenth time that they hadn't seen his mother or father. The inhabitants of Bznko had bigger problems to deal with, such as the imminent arrival of the most feared creature on the planet: the Yungmun!

To Terry's surprise, the Yungmun was a bad stand-up, and the bickering aliens and others groaned at his tired gags. When Terry booed the Yungmun, he recoiled, and one of the bickerers explained that they simply hadn't been able to recall that way to express their dislike. The assembled crowd booed the Yungmun in unison, and he left, never to return.

Shortly thereafter, one of the bickerers led the effort to bestow Terry with their highest honour: the pick of the litter. Which is to say, whatever he wanted out of a scrap heap. At least it caused him to meet Robota. The Search


  • There's nothing in Planet Terry to say which Bznko inhabitants are native to the planet, but these guys are the most numerous, so make of that what you will.
  • Like plenty of Planet Terry aliens, these guys make a background appearance in the 2009-2010 miniseries X-Babies