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Vermin's first obstacle was to trap Terry and friends in tickle vines, but Robota freed them. Then, a crack in the ground formed a volcano spewing molten lava, but Omnus granted his friends safe passage. When they came across a placid stream, Vermin used the Mayhem Maker to turn it into a whirlpool, whipping them up and through the air to the outskirts of the Domed City, where they were confined in a bubble cell. Vermin personally welcomed them to the Domed City, visible now that he'd lifted the mist. Terry questioned him about why it was called the Domed City when it had no dome, but Vermin simply dismissed it as something probably written in the dumb book of the Gorkels. After Vermin introduced himself as the ruler of the world, Terry refused to recognise his authority, so Vermin declared them under arrest... and that Robota was under a ''rust'' thanks to her exposure to so much water. As Robota fainted, Vermin giggled evilly. {{storylink|Too Close (Enough) for Comfort}}
{{stub|{{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}}}
Vermin left them unattended while he thought of a suitable punishment for them. Returning to his lair, he found the Mayhem Maker on the blink again, leaving him unable to monitor the Domed City. Vermin called a [[Mayhem Maker Repairs, Inc.|repairman]], who told him the Mayhem Maker was in such a state of disrepair that it had to go in to the shop, something Scavage called a bad omen. Soon afterwards, the Mayhem Maker exploded, taking the entire Domed City with it. Vermin was carried to safety in Scavage's talons and, seeing Planet Terry's crew taking Princess Ugly in a [[skimmer craft]], vowed he would revenge himself on those meddlers. {{storylink|The Doom of the Domed City}}
*Vermin the Vile was included as part of a competition in [[The Transformers issue 21|issue 21]] which required readers to pair characters with their opposites.