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After their encounter with Predator, Dudley and the Chromobots returned to the boy's bedroom. When Shield's psionic scan revealed that [[Dudley's dad]] had been awoken by their arrival, they each scrambled to hide, with Transmute lowering himself to transform into a cuddly toy of [[Humph|Humph the Cat]]. After his dad left, Dudley whispered for the other Chromobots to come out of hiding. Shield volunteered to return to their ship to update the Chromatic Star Federation, and Transmute declared that they wouldn't fail in overcoming Predator – though his embarrassment was compounded by his allies laughing at his disguise. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 20/The Chromobots|Issue 20}} While Shield was on the ship and Dudley was asleep, Transmute patrolled the area. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 21/The Chromobots|Issue 21}}
Following intel from Shield's contact [[Cygnet]], Dudley and the Chromobots searched the countryside in one of Shield's force bubbles for Predator. Transmute's psionic scan picked up a signal, which he The woman's time would be short if they couldn't get her treatment on the ship, but a sudden flash of energy transported the team to a ruined city. Transmute's sensors told him that they hadn't moved in space, but in time. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 22/The Chromobots|Issue 22}}