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[[File:Chromobots Transmute.jpg|thumb|upright=0.79|Sure he can fly, but where's his sonic scream?]]
'''Transmute''' is one of a team of heroic [[Chromobot]]s from the [[Chromatic Star Federation]]. Though serious-minded and dedicated to the pursuit of justice, Transmute is nonetheless a compassionate and empathetic leader, aided in no small part by his telepathic sensors and psionic scanners. In addition to his tracking skills, Transmute has the ability to transform his body into whatever he chooses, allowing him to seamlessly blend in in many situations.
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Following intel from Shield's contact [[Cygnet]], Dudley and the Chromobots searched the countryside in one of Shield's force bubbles for Predator. Transmute's psionic scan picked up a signal, which he and Shield discovered was the unconscious body of the abducted woman. The woman's time would be short if they couldn't get her treatment on the ship, but a sudden flash of energy transported the team to a ruined city. Transmute's sensors told him that they hadn't moved in space, but in time. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 22/The Chromobots|Issue 22}} His readings confirmed that they had travelled at least 550 years into the future: [[Robot universe#2535|2535 AD]]. He and Shield reasoned that the abducted woman's body had been bait to lure them into the time shift. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 23/The Chromobots|Issue 23}}
Transmute's attention was caught by Mikros being thrown through the air and landing in a heap. He was pursued by a monstrous [[brute]], who Shield took on in combat. The brute wasn't the only [[Chromatic Mutant|Mutant]] in the wasteland, as the Chromobots were soon approached by Predator's other creations, [[Rage]] and [[Menace]]. Transmute ducked as Menace swooped overhead. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 24/The Chromobots|Issue 24}} Transmute fought Menace, and was unimpressed by the Mutant's death threats. The fight was called off by Predator himself, who had arrived to gloat about his success in destroying Chromos Five and taking over the Earth. Transmute told the deluded criminal that he'd sunk to a new level of insanity, and Predator threatened to send him away with his [[time modulator]]. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 25/The Chromobots|Issue 25}}
Dudley thought quickly and snatched the modulator. As the boy ran back to the time shift, Transmute ordered the other Chromobots to hold off the Mutants. Dudley and Mikros were first to get back to 1985, and Shield and Transmute followed. Transmute immediately searched the area and found [[Tessa Stone]] where they'd left her. He reported this information back to Mikros, who explained to Dudley they they would have time to take care of her injuries. {{storylink|The Transformers issue 26/The Chromobots|Issue 26}}
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File:Chromobots Transmute as Humph.jpg|Transmute as a [[Humph|Humph the Cat]] cuddly toy
[[Category:The Chromobots characters]]