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The Thing and the Torch tracked the two intruders to the nearby Quality Meat Market, where the monster, now in human form, was unconscious in the meat locker, with the robot having left instructions on how to preserve her in cryogenic storage while they searched for a cure for her condition. When Johnny explained the situation to Reed and Sue, Sue expressed how she felt sorry for the frozen scientist, but the Thing told her to save her pity for after he got finished with that dad-blasted robot. {{storylink|Kill Me or Cure Me}}
{{stub|{{storylink|The New Machine Man}}}}
Ben would get his rematch with Machine Man after he and the living robot became embroiled in a conflict involving [[Ultron]] and his wayward creation, [[Jocasta]]. {{storylink|The New Machine Man}}
{{MarvelWiki|Benjamin_Grimm_(Earth-616)|Ben Grimm}}
*The Thing was pictured alongside many other Marvel heroes on the cover of {{TF|Heavy_Traffic!|''Transformers'' U.S. issue 22,}} as part of that month's [[Marvel Comics 25th Anniversary|celebration of 25 years of Marvel Comics]].
*The Thing had had his own Marvel UK comic in 1984, under the clunky title of {{Marvel|Thing_is_Big_Ben_Vol_1|''The Thing is Big Ben''.}} The first four issues of that series reprinted ol' blue-eyes' encounter with [[Machine Man]] and [[Jocasta]], which took place after – but was published ''before'' – "Kill Me or Cure Me",. and was summarised as part of "[[The New Machine Man]]" fills in this narrative gap to prepare ''The Transformers'' readers for the second volume of ''Machine Man'' reprints.
[[Category:Machine Man characters]]