The Transformers issue 24/Matt and the Cat

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Matt and the Cat
Matt and the Cat (issue 24)
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 24
First published 10th August, 1985
By Mike Kazybrid


The Myzoni patrollers recognise Matt as one of the carbon-based aliens to have jumped from the Darkonian slave ship and decide to take him for examination. As he is driven away in their vehicle, Matt decides to exchange his cat for a gerbil at the pet shop.

Elsewhere, Humph is being showered with affection by the group of Slavebots. He eagerly listens as they talk up his achievements as a champion to the oppressed, but his face droops as it becomes clear they expect him to free them from slavery even if it kills him.

Featured characters

Matt, the cat, and friends Antagonists


"You who have come to tear down the prisons! – To free us from the Darkonians... even to the laying down of life itself!!"
(But I've just picked it up again!!)

—A Slavebot inducts Humph into the hero business.


Artwork and technical errors

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

  • Matt "jumped" from the slave ship in issue 19.

Real-life references

  • A signpost reads "One born every minute!", paraphrasing an adage about there being a steady supply of easily duped people, presumably referring to Matt's flagging down of the patrol car in the previous issue.