The Transformers UK Appendix:Inclusion: Difference between revisions

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The decision to cover the Gwanzulum stories essentially codifies the inclusion policy, which is based on two questions: '''Will anyone else document this?''' And, '''will anyone cover it the way we do?'''
===The secret primary scope===
In [[The Transformers issue 105|issue 105]], the [[w:Kellogg's|Kellogg's]] promotion ''[[Captain Rik's Space Adventure]]'' was treated as a fully-fledged part of the comic, despite being pretty transparently an advertisement. Something similar happened much later in [[The Transformers issue 167|issue 167]] and the one-page strip known as "[[High Noon Tex]]", which was an in-house Marvel advert for [[Death's Head]] (the character) and {{Marvel|Dragon's_Claws_Vol_1|''Dragon's Claws''.}} The TFUK Appendix has made the blanket decision that any such "[[advert comics]]" are equally valid for coverage as "proper" comics, though with the caveat that the advert in question ''must'' be sequential art. To give an example, the advert for the [[w:Abbey National|Abbey National]] Junior Savers Club in [[The Transformers issue 7|issue 7]], which consists of one image with a single speech bubble, does not result in the TFUK Appendix covering it as a fictional appearance for the ''[[w:One Hundred and One Dalmatians|101 Dalmatians]]''.