"The Space Warp is discovered! Has Terry finally found his parents?"

Planet Terry
Planet Terry in The Secret of the Space Warp
Publisher Marvel Comics
Published in The Transformers issue 24
First published 10th August, 1985
Writer Lennie Herman
Pencils Warren Kremer
Inks Jon D'Agostino
Colours Peter Kremer
Letterer Grace Kremer
Editor Sid Jacobson
Executive editor Tom DeFalco
Editor-in-chief Jim Shooter


Machine Man can only live safely among the humans once they realise he's 'armless.
"I feel naked without my left arm!"

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Featured characters

Planet Terry's crew Antagonists Incidentals




Planet Terry issue 3 on Marvel Database, an external wiki

Original printing

  • Planet Terry issue 3, 26 February 1985

Transformation refers to this story simply as "The Secret Of The Space Warp"; the next issue implies it to be a fifth part of "The Saga of Princess Ugly".

For the purpose of wrapping Planet Terry up as quickly as possible before The Transformers relaunches as a full-colour weekly with issue 27, this version of "The Secret of the Space Warp" is edited substantially to race through most of Planet Terry issue 3, abridging not only its story of the same name but also the same issue's "Deadly Games" and the first half of "Found". See below...


In Planet Terry, the journey from the opening page with the Space Warp to the point where Terry is attacked by the Devourer takes 19 pages. Here in TFUK, it happens across five. So with 14 pages excised, it's probably more straightforward to break down what actually is printed in this abridged strip. Note that only the fifth page retains its colour, with the rest in black and white.

  • Page 1: The first page of "The Secret of the Space Warp", with the only edit being to change Peter Kremer's "colors" credit to "colours".
  • Page 2: The second page of "The Secret of the Space Warp" with no notable edits.
  • Page 3: Six panels from the third page of "The Secret of the Space Warp". The seventh panel, of Princess Ugly and the Gorkels waving as Terry's ship taxies before taking off, is replaced by a similar panel of Princess Ugly shedding a single tear at the ship launching, taken from the start of the fourth page of "The Secret of the Space Warp".
  • Page 4:
    • The first two panels are the second and third panel from the fourth page of "The Secret of the Space Warp"; Terry has newly lettered dialogue here regarding his "special Planet Terry pilotting", replacing a gag about Planetoid 17Z being in uncharted space and thus requiring uncharts.
    • The rest of the page is comprised of the third to final panels from the third page of "Found". Terry and Robota receive newly lettered dialogue about Terry's determination to navigate them to 17Z, whereas in the original, Robota was giving him a kiss on the cheek for saving them from being the playthings of the deadly Gamesfolk.
  • Page 5: This is the complete fourth page of "Found". The reveal of the Devourer, which had escaped from a trial of the Gamesfolk in "Deadly Games", is repurposed here into a cliffhanger, necessitating the addition of a "[Autobot symbol] NEXT:" box.

Artwork and technical errors

  • Warren Kremer's credit is listed as "penciler", rather than "penciller".

Continuity errors

Continuity notes

Real-life references