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It's a pleasant sunny and partly sunny day on the distant planet [[Bznko]] when [[Bznko bickerers|a trio of locals]] hears the engines of a familiar [[Planet Terry's ship|space ship]]. It's [[Planet Terry]], once again pestering all and sundry with questions about his [[Planet Terry's parents|missing parents]]. Everyone in the vicinity is sick of him, especially now, as a [[Hunched dragon man|hunched, frilled alien]] notes, that they have the most feared creature on the planet due to visit any minute – the [[Yungmun]]!
Picturing some sort of hulking brute, Terry is surprised when the most feared creature on the planet turns out to be a grinning nebbish with a speciality in one-liners. As the Yungmun continues delivering his groaners, the locals explain to a confused Terry that the comedian's jokes have literally bored planets to death. If those are the stakes, Terry asks why no-one has ever thought to boo him.