Slave-Master's robot

From The Transformers UK Appendix
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The Slave-Master of Darkon runs a tight ship and so needs a loyal crew. As a result, he has a squadron of semi-autonomous warrior robots.

Steady, lad!
Steady, lad!
"I still don't know what he looks like!"

This article is in need of images.


One robot was dispatched to Earth, where it found a probe with a strange mechanism. It decided to take it away for inspection. Issue 5 While it carried the probe away, the "mechanism" – actually the cat Humph – suddenly lurched out, causing a human child to demand its safe return. Issue 6 The robot turned on the boy and advised it to surrender. While Humph was distracted, the robot beamed itself and Matt up to its ship. Issue 7

The robot, or one like it, took Matt to the Slave-Master. Issue 10 A robot also expressed its concern to the Slave-Master about the captive cat, feeling "troubled in [its] sensors". The Slave-Master told it to cease its fears, as once they got to Darkon, the Earthlings would bring a high price... provided they survived. Issue 13